Runners Inspire at Boston Marathon
23 April 2016
On April 18, four Team Novo Nordisk runners raced to inspire at the 2016 Boston Marathon, one of the world’s most premiere sporting events.
After months of training and planning, balancing job, family and diabetes, the runners took the start line, eager to show the world what may be possible with diabetes. Below, the athletes recap how the day played out in their own words.
Salvador Martinez
This was my first Boston Marathon. The course was hilly, especially after mile 16, which, for me, is where the real race began. The weather was great, however, and the crowd and volunteers were something very special.
I was nervous about tackling the hills, but once they were over, I realized that was not the hard part- just the beginning of quite an amazing, challenging experience.
Finish time: 03:12:24
Stephen England
This year’s race had some big hills, and it was a hot, tough day!
I ran the “Double” Boston Marathon, which mean I began at the finish line, ran the 26.2-mile course back to the start line, and then run to the finish with the 30,000 runners. So this was the hardest marathon of my life! If there is ever a sports documentary for the “Sub-4 Marathon”, I want the lead role! Out in 4 hours, in at 3:59. I ran the last 2 miles flat out while cramping.
I could not be happier with my PW marathon! Running 52.4 Boston Marathon miles is hard! Congrats to all the runners, and thank you to volunteers and spectators. Simply amazing.
Finish time: 3:59:18 (inbound)
Lauren Adams
Wow- my first Boston Marathon was the hardest race I’ve ever done!
I experienced some tough stomach issues early on, which was not exactly how I envisioned the day, but I just didn’t want to quit. So I started giving out more high fives to all the amazing kids along the course and thought about all the people who told me I had inspired them. And I push through to finish the race!
Finish time: 4:07:32
Casey Schwenk

Unfortunately, on that day I felt the worst I ever have, and I had to abandon the race. But I’ll be back to race again!
Finish time: DNF